Illspitz Kleine Ill - construction of an innovative tributary Simultaneously with the execution of the new power plant Illspitz, a tributary of the storage capacity had to to be built. Main focus is a design that suits environmentally and nature-friendly as much as possible the existing main riverbed. Although the newly created bypass water course is an [...]
Fish ladder Hoefen
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-06T12:53:18+00:00Fish migration Hoefen Dr. Hutarew & Partner was assigned by the municipality of Hoefen an der Enz with the planning of fish migration facilities -upstream (FAA) and downstream (FAH) including all accompanying measures. The existing fish ladder was no longer up to date. The permeability for the water inhabitants had to be improved. The difference between head [...]
Ecological riverbed relocation
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-06T13:46:00+00:00Riverbed relocation Already in 1999 the flood protection of the Eisbach was produced in Sulzbach-Laufen in the local situation. Our plans already included the company premises of mbs. In 2010, due to rapid growth, the company had to expand the possibilities of use at the location. To avoid a relocation, the community decided to an unusual measure, [...]
Fish ladder Auerbruecke
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-07T10:05:08+00:00Upstream fish migration Auerbruecke In 2013, the renovation of the Auerbrücke hydropower plant in Pforzheim took place. As part of the renewal of the water permit and maintenance requirements, we were assigned with the construction of a fish ladder in addition to the basic renovation of the power plant. The power plant is located at the confluence [...]