Pump-storage plant Leun In 2012, we were assigned with the planning of the pump-storage power plant in Leun. These power plants have an important role to play - as currently the only option they are able to economically save energy on a large scale. The client had the goal to use the existing topographical gradient between Leuner [...]
New hydropower station Kostheim
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-06T13:10:25+00:00New hydropower station Kostheim Before the project began, the dam Kostheim am Main consisted of a 3-section weir system including 2 locks. In 2006, the implementation planning of a hydropower plant was started. The new construction of the hydropower plant is located on the right bank of the existing dam Kostheim/Main. Flooding safety was an essential criterion [...]
Newly-built hydro power plant Illspitz
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-06T13:57:52+00:00Hydropower plant Illspitz For the project of the municipal utilities Feldkirch in the area of Illspitzes to build a power plant, DHP were commissioned with the planning and construction supervision of this project. The Ill in the estuary below Feldkirch is characterized by the operation of upper-lying Ill peak load power plants and the canal-like developed main [...]
Weir Matrei power station Obere Sill
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-06T14:23:43+00:00Power station Obere Sill - new construction of penstock drop From the Matrei weir, a tunnel directs the drainage water to the surge tank Sill (880.00m above sea level). It is distributed to three downstream power plant locations. The main Sill power plant (HKW) was initially charged via two penstocks (DRL). For reasons of age and in [...]
Reconstruction hydropower plant Rechtenstein
hutarew@hutarew.com2021-05-10T11:36:04+00:00Hydro power plant Rechtenstein - reconstruction by building new After receiving the approval, the rebuilding of the HEP Rechtenstein started in February 2016. At the beginning of the construction work, an overcut bored pile wall was erected on the right bank of the Danube. To generate the construction pit enclosure, a cofferdam was built from the underwater [...]